We developed ColliderCase technology to enable our clients to display digital media in exactly the same point in space as a real object. The viewer perceives the digital content to be floating in the same space within a display case. This creates completely new possibilities.
Now, content can ‘touch’ and interact with your objects, and the viewer does not have to look away from the object to enjoy the content.
Many new museum technologies rely on the use of a smartphone, tablet device, or some kind of special glasses - but not with our approach. ColliderCase requires no special audience equipment or audience training, your audience acts completely naturally. By merely looking at the display object, they cannot miss the digital content augmentation. Your visitors do not need to learn something new, there is no learning curve.
ColliderCase is purposely designed to increase engagement in real object displays by bridging the gap between two worlds - that of traditional object display, and the exciting potential of digital content. ColliderCase makes it far easier, quicker and cheaper to make changes or update content whilst maintaining the same high degree of quality of presentation.
ColliderCase provides new ways to evaluate the performance of museum displays across a wide variety of audience profiles, using high definition data collected all the time. You will learn a huge amount about your audience and what works for them, with scientifically robust data to prove it.
Care of objects is top of our list of priorities. ColliderCase is so exciting because it can be observed and proven to have no detrimental effect on even the most delicate of objects with the highest criteria for conservation.
Whether you are a CEO, graphic designer, media producer, architect, interpretive designer or planner, cost consultant, curator or conservator, we speak your language and you will find most of the answers to your questions on this website. If you have any particular enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact our UK-based team, who will gladly answer your questions or arrange a demonstration.
Virtual Content
ColliderCase achieves the amazing effect of putting content right into a showcase by using a specially-developed optical system. The viewer perceives the content to be a floating plane inside the case, although this is an illusion - the content is not really inside the case at all. Because of this illusion, we refer to the content as virtual content - it has all the virtues of being inside the case without actually being there. Learn more about how media and content are used here.
Space Efficient
Because you can now deliver all object-related interpretation right inside the case, the ColliderCase system is very space efficient. No external graphic panels or digital screens are required. The footprint of the object display and associated content is far smaller with ColliderCase than a traditional interpretive display delivering the same content. Learn more about the physical design of ColliderCase here.
Because all of the interpretation is delivered inside the case, and the systems for delivering it are integrated into the case, moving a display is as trivial as moving the case. Have you found that you would like to redistribute the displays in the entire gallery? Simply move the cases around and the interpretation automatically follows.
Intelligent Sensing
ColliderCase can be fitted with cost-efficient yet advanced sensors that can give you valuable insights into how the audience are engaging with your objects and displays. Furthermore, because ColliderCase senses the presence of visitors at the case, case lighting can be switched on only when needed, intelligently helping you to control an object’s exposure to light.
Revolutionary Analytics
If a display is working well with all audience types, this will be obvious from the analytic data. If it is not working, then you can figure out why, and update the content. The data is presented in an executive format that is easy to understand. We give you the tools to be able to drill down into the data to gain unique and powerful insights into how your audiences behave around your objects and content. This has never been possible before. Find out more here.
Flexibility is a defining principle of the design of ColliderCase. ColliderCase makes it easy to update or change content, even entire displays, whilst retaining the highest level of quality of display. There are big gains to be had in efficiency.
We give you the tools to change or edit case content, and provide tutorials and even on-site training if you wish.
Has an object gone on loan for a short period? Place a new object within the case, and create new content in the same style as the rest of the gallery, and the effect will be seamless. Returning to the original content once the loan object has returned is straightforward.
It is a highly flexible system that can sustain the highest level of visual integrity across a gallery.
Operable by In-House Teams
You have the choice whether to create your content in-house or outsource to designers and producers. One of the main principles of the ColliderCase design is we have in-house content creation very much in mind - we have produced a system, tools and workflow that mean that you can create all your content in-house if that is your wish, requiring only modest familiarity with information technology.
Because we recommend that ColliderCase systems are installed into the showcases of established showcase manufacturers, and the system does not effect the security of the showcase, we can be sure that your objects are equally secure inside a ColliderCase-enabled showcase.
Highly Engaging
ColliderCase animates static objects and brings rich interpretive media into view. This makes for exceptionally engaging displays. It has to be seen to be appreciated fully.
Excellent Support
We provide effective and convenient support for you at all stages of your ColliderCase implementation. Our technical support is excellent.