The Control Centre contains powerful tools for professionals involved in the planning, design and evaluation of museum displays.
Audience analytics are derived from detailed and continuous data collected when each and every visitor views an object in a case that is enabled with ColliderCase or iotaCase. The following measurements are automatically taken:
This data builds up over a day, a week, a month and throughout the life of the display. The data is held safe in the Control Centre, where there are powerful query tools to be able to look at the data in different ways.
This will be incredibly useful for planners, designers and evaluators who wish to learn from the data.
Interpretive Planners
It is possible to see whether the theories taken forward at planning stage regarding interest in given items or topics actually hold up in reality. If data is collected across a wide number of Collider or iotaCases, then deeper comparative insight will be available.
The length of texts, number of images, length of media sequences and complexity of story can all be objectively assessed and even experimented-with.
It is possible to demonstrate engagement level for a wide variety of audience types by examining the data, rather than gallery floor surveys and questionnaires. Data is collected for each and every visitor, not just those present during evaluation periods. How did engagement differ over time? How does engagement compare with other exhibitions? Other museums? What can we learn and take forward into the next project?